Our most popular set! Includes set of 4 Push Pull Rods, 1 "Grabit" Hook, 1 Magnet
Locator (Whole Earth), 1 Pulling Eye, 1 Standard Hook, and a convenient Carry Bag. These 1/4" diameter, flexible rods are made of non-magnetic fiberglass with a polypyrene coating, and are flexible enough to go around corners and up and down walls through small openings, yet are strong enough to withstand virtually any test you may put them to. Each length is 5 feet long with threaded attachments at each end. Connect as few or as many rods together as needed to attain whatever length necessary. CMD Push-Pull Rods are sold as a set of four (20 feet), at a price less than half of that charged by the few competitors that CMD has.
These rods replace the old fashioned electrical fish formerly used for running and retrieving cable. Push Pull Rods are equally useful to push or pull cable inside or outside conduit.